These photos Apple’s first employees showed us from the company’s earliest days are absolut…
Pharrell, Bruno Mars and the Age of Pastiche Pop
Wolfram has created a website that will identify any image you throw at it
@gilmae Ah, okay. It’s a much shorter “commute” from my “office” (aka walk from my house). 🙂
GENIUS! Especially love the example of Melbourne and the airport, which is perfect use case.
@gilmae Thanks! I’m not leaving til Tuesday.
Nice turnout for tonight’s #sydtechleaders meet up!
Listening to @bevanblackie talk about leadership at @ansarada. #sydtechleaders
“Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less.” – John Maxwell #sydtechleaders @bevanblackie
Lessons in handling under-performers from The Avengers. I think I have an excuse to go to the movies tomorrow! #sydtechleaders
RT @TrustedCompany: “#Customer #service is at the core of every great #company.” Melanie Perkins, CEO and Co-Founder of @Canva…
“Culture eats strategy. If you don’t have a strong culture, how can you deliver on your company’s priorities?” #qft #sydtechleaders
I like the idea of gamifying code review and having a leaderboard. But then, I’m competitive to an unhealthy degree. #sydtechleaders
These @ansarada guys love that “Turn the Ship Around” book. Need to add that to my reading list. #sydtechleaders
Time for the great debate! @darthted is arguing against the use of metrics for improving performance. #sydtechleaders
Focus on bad metrics leads to gaming the system. Reminds me how my sister’s daily To Do list always started with “Wake up.” #sydtechleaders
Any discussion of measuring story points always reminds me of Shrute Bucks vs Stanley Nickels. #sydtechleaders
Now @owensenior is arguing on behalf of metrics. #sydtechleaders
“Which developers most regularly lead to defects in live software?” @pyko & I shared look of HORROR. #sydtechleaders
Holy crap. @owensenior’s entire closing argument was done in RHYME! #sydtechleaders
@pwcc @pyko To be fair, the nature of the debate format rather requires speakers to take extreme positions. But still…
My question: what about things like engagement surveys? Is the aggregate, subjective opinion of the team a good metric? #sydtechleaders
The Woman Who Pulled Out All Her Own Hair