@Glassbreakersco Awesome, thanks!
@jennijenni Nooo! It’s a myth around for years. Penguins do NOT need sweaters. It’s bad for them! #mumbrella360 http://t.co/Fsp5AIKJaz
@drkknits So far every single young person on this show makes Bad Choices.
What Serious Eats’ Sale to Fexy Media Means for You http://t.co/sAkSakCNri – I’m worried, to be honest. It’s such a great site.
@mmastertheone A bit! My geeky knitting is less knitted Dalek, more encrypted computer code these days though. 🙂
The Iceman List – Medium – Fun essay redeeming some 80’s cinematic villains. https://t.co/iCwk1THXqy http://t.co/9s0ycQhpFN
Caitlyn Jenner: Twitter bot @she_not_he corrects Twitter users who misgender her. http://t.co/8zudfEQoCi