The Welcome Email: Best Examples and How to Write Yours [Worksheet Included]
This is relevant to my interests.
RT @NickOsbaldiston: Saw this job interview advice. Brilliant.
Does anyone know of a place in @surry_hills to get a watch battery? Or do I have to trek all the way to Broadway?
RT @SwiftOnSecurity: You should get an automatic refund if you know a company’s product better than their support people. There should be a…
Eating Well at Eating World For @the_snook and @toastman…
RT @rachelnabors: Remember friends: we are defined–and remembered–by the things we make, not the tools we used. #wdcode
RT @developerjack: “Hire someone that is different to you! Diversity in tech is a GOOD thing!” Wise words from @nodebotanist at #wdcode ht…
Tonkatsu ramen with pork belly, mushroom, miso, and garlic oil. So good on a chilly winter…
It’s Friday night in Chippendale, and we built a Christmas light! #arduino
Remember Harry Potter? He’s back, in play form! Well, that’s pretty much a guaranteed sellout!
Finally had to change my blog comment CAPTCHA for the first time in like 10 years. Fricking comment spamming bastards.
@gilmae FML. The comment spam was a red herring. Just discovered they fucking managed to upload a directory of spam a month ago.
@gilmae The support team have been raised. Argh. What’s even the point. I hate the Internet.
@gilmae I am not clicking that. Ever.
Once again fantastic service from Jimmy at @QHUpdates. Just wish I didn’t have to bother him so much! (I bet he does too.)
RT @taradefrancisco: LOVE WINS. LOVE WINS. LOVE WINS. Thank you, #SCOTUS. #MarriageEquaility #LGBTQ #LGBTQ I am so glad to live through thi…
RT @SusanSchorn: Me: Sits back and waits for the wedding invites to pour in.
RT @ravelry: We put the Pride flag up a day early because YAY ❤️ 👬 👭 ❤️
RT @WhiteHouse: #LoveWins.
RT @pmdfoster: The rationale behind today’s #gaymarriage #supremecourt decision …as advanced by Thomas Jefferson.
Inside the $499 aluminum NES that’s crafted like a Leica | The Verge – WANT.