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@nicwinton Oh! I listened to like 10 seconds of it hoping it was a cover of the Wicked song but gave up. Will try again.

Hacking the Humanities – The New Yorker Fascinating. I should reread Galatea 2.2.

@drkknits WAY TO GO! Congratulations!

@RoseRed_Shoes Cooktop. Our induction has died again. Have already had it serviced once before. Giving up on it now! 🙁

RT @HarvardBiz: Comparing the ROI of content marketing and native advertising

The Best Pizza in Sydney, According to Naples Down with barbecue sauce on pizzas! *shudder*

RT @billwscott: The more talent density u have the less process you need. The more process u create the less talent you retain.

— Reed Ha…

@codepo8 I ask everyone those questions, but then again I’m a garrulous American with very little filter. 🙂

Amazing, wonderful news to wake up to. Congrats @drkknits! We all knew you were destined for great things!

@drkknits Unfortunately my big move was UK->AUS, so I don’t know any shipping companies for you.

@drkknits I’ll check my networks though and see if I know anybody in that area…

@drkknits I can’t believe I forgot that Max and Tim live there. IT’S PERFECT. They’re pretty great.

@drkknits I think they’re travelling at the moment. They’re both high school teachers. Love food and books and TV and all the good stuff.

@drkknits …and I’m out. Just add me back in if needed. 🙂

@drkknits Max mentioned me on his blog on the fifth day I had mine, back in Jan 2001.

@drkknits His is long gone now. It was mostly Simpsons and Kylie references. 🙂

Former Google exec says this word can damage your credibility – BI – I’m just the worst.

PDF to Keynote – Very useful utility for presenters! @mobywhale @daphnechong @pyko @lucykbain @glasnt @200ok