Shared today on Twitter

Just took builders down to see the plumbing in the garage… and promptly locked us all out of the house. Whoops.

Luckily I’d left the back door open with only the screen locked, so we were able to jimmy our way in.

Probably have to replace the screen now. And the builders will probably tack on a “dumbass tax” to the invoice.

But hey, snatching a minor victory from the jaws of defeat. I’m back in the house! And now I’ve got to go to work.

RT @canva: Register for our Create Great Designs webinar series today!

@darthted I won’t argue that it might not be universal – but I know that I do it a lot. I’ve advised others to do it too for the same reason

@darthted Which I’m now cringing about. But not saying it sounds overly demanding to me. Stupid gender norms. 🙁

Dark clothes without words – Check! My own clicker – Check! Just about ready for tonight’s #FoodTechAus talk!

The next @SydTechLeaders event looks great! Well done @darthted @owensenior . (And great to see @paulangov on the bill!)

RT @HarvardBiz: You can negotiate to get what you want without being a pushover

I just broke down and googled “thirsty slang.” Because I am officially Old, and I have no idea what the Young People are saying.

Feeling before my #FoodTechAus talk! (at @Fishburners in Ultimo, NSW)

Ooh. The Wine Gallery is a startup I can get behind! #FoodTechAus

I think @developerjack has the most stickers I’ve ever seen on a MacBook. Respect. #FoodTechAus

OMG look what @developerjack gave me! #phplove

Fantastic pitch from @WineGalleryAus. I signed up! #FoodTechAus

All @canva & @poppiepack! RT @developerjack: All about content marking tonight at FoodTechSyd, and what beautiful slides @web_goddess has!

RT @owensenior: @web_goddess there is research that backs up the google article that language has an effect. E.g..

@owensenior That is fascinating! I do find it heartening that there is a way forward that is a kind of a compromise.

@i386 @developerjack I should’ve planned better for my first event representing @canva! Next time I’ll bring heaps of stickers. 🙂

RT @MrCliveC: I know that I shouldn’t have laughed at this but I did

@developerjack @allybeaton @PHPWomen I got the last one?! You should’ve given it to someone else – my PHP is so crappy these days!

@keranm @developerjack @MYOBapi Oh, he insisted I take one of those! Very good evangelist there. 🙂

@developerjack Ooh. I hadn’t heard of that. Looks awesome. Hmm – do they need speakers?? 🙂

RT @GuyKawasaki: Check out @Canva’s latest course on @skillshare (
Easy and Effective #GraphicDesign #design http:…

@gilmae I just choked on my artisanal muesli. Ha!