The Art of the Mix is a site that immediately made me think of Max. It’s devoted to the art of making mix tapes and hosts an archive of over 9,000 mixes made by music lovers around the world. I haven’t made a mix tape in ages. I could never get the technical aspects of it right. My tapes would always be punctuated by loud “KER-CHUNK KER-CHUNK” noises between songs.
3 responses to “The Art of the Mix”
But to me, sometimes the “ker-chunk” adds to the atmosphere of the tape.
Not that I would ever allow any on my own tapes, of course. Gross! 🙂
the HOURS i slaved over mix tapes…even as recently as last V-Day, i made a killer “schmoopy mix” for J. and that was just the *music*, don’t even get me started on the efforts put into decorating the tape case!
Kel, for all her U2-lovin’ faults, does make great mix tapes. My favorite is the one she gave me before I came to London. The case is black with a large silver fist/women’s symbol (the ND Women’s Resource Center symbol) on it. It looks tough. The songs are great too… Lots of chick artists. It’s a good girl power tape.