Shared today on Twitter

@TheRealBnut @i386 I blame the old-fashioned “tonic” in the “souvenir bottles” at the bar.

@moviemazz “Great paté, but I gotta motor if I’m gonna make it to this musical…”

@drkknits Welcome back! And yes, crazy person. Stop off in LA for the night or something. 🙂

People keep favouriting and retweeting my Yarn Bomb wine tweet. I do not think they understood why I tweeted it in the first place.

@gilmae I friggin’ KNEW you’d do that.

@i386 Are you not coming in? Rest up!

It appears @AppleMusic turned one of my high school boyfriend’s mixtapes into a playlist.

@lahondaknitter I hope at least people will stop pretending it’s “subversive” when it’s being co-opted for advertising!

@emmasee100 Does wine make an effective Molotov cocktail? 😛

Math You Can Wear – KnitYak is 70% funded! Just a couple days to go. Come on nerds; you know you want a math scarf.

Hey, @nickyringland is talking at SydStart! Nice to see a couple women finally on the bill. 🙂

Do one thing per day that scares you, right? ✔️ 😳

@lucykbain Another speaking gig! My first that might involve travel. 🙂

@i386 YAAAAAAAAAAYYY! Tell him congrats. 🙂

@JennaGuillaume I never did (to my eternal bitterness).

RT @Malarkey: The Apple Watch has made me want to wear a watch again. I’m just not sure that watch is Apple’s Watch.