Waiting for a phone call and starting to suspect this meeting room is a damn Faraday cage.
@julio_ody Hello! I work with @DamonOehlman at Canva. Was hoping to chat to you today about our upcoming tech event. DM me?
@bezthomas Just heard it. So awesome! Thanks to @TheAmpHour and @fbz for the mention. That was my Ignite talk: https://t.co/8H17Hb3VIK 🙂
@eevblog Just heard you talking about my Ignite talk on steganographic knitting in Amp #257! Very cool. I just left a blog comment. 🙂
@fbz Thanks for the follow! Coincidentally, I’m a big supporter of KnitYak and I’m so thrilled you hit the goal. Can’t wait to get my scarf!
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I’m going boxing with the guys from work tonight. My first proper exercise in well over a year. Ugh. Dread.
Just got emailed by a recruiter about a frontend dev job, despite not having done it for 6 years. STILL GOT IT, YO.
So that was a total of 4 days elapsed before someone in Russia tried to hack into my new WordPress admin. Is that normal?
@gilmae Ahh, good tip. I knew it changed but didn’t think to redirect it. http://t.co/bJ1CEVZPdW is the new one
@gilmae 301 Redirect added!
@gilmae WordFence caught it. I’ve since reduced the number of bad attempts needed to trigger lockout.
RT @canva: Not long now! Here’s a sneak peak of one of our most requested features http://t.co/IK7xaR6XQs #canvaforwork http://t.co/hKWtljI…
@thomdane Cool. Well, if you’ve got any tips for hardening WP, I’m all ears. 🙂
@thomdane Awesome. I had done 90% of it, but I still picked up a couple things to add. I might be being overly paranoid. 🙂
Modernized Space Camp Allows Kids To Simulate Frustration Over Lack Of Funding http://t.co/uwFf5OxHvx via @theonion
Soylent 2.0: Why Soylent Is Hitting The Bottle http://t.co/OCTbibHfNR – A guy in our office drinks this. I’m fascinated by it.
RT @ElizaCussen: It’s lucky I don’t judge candidates by their 404 pages cause Jeb Bush’s is pretty great. http://t.co/Gb0miOeUOZ
@glasnt Lovely dress!
@randomknits That looks very nice. 🙂
RT @codepo8: I’m not fat, I’m bold.
The Return of Favorited Tweets – I made a tiny hack to @whalespine’s excellent Twitter Digest plugin for WP http://t.co/xxCMe0noU0