@i386 What are you doing awake? GO BACK TO SLEEP YOU CRAZY PERSON.
@catehstn Wonderful folks at @webdirections are hosting a brainstorming/encouragement event for women next week related to their CFP
@catehstn I’m facilitating. Have you heard of anything like this being done before? Looking for tips, good info to share, etc
@msmichellegar @founderscoders @GGDSydney @WWCSyd ABSOLUTELY!
RT @LoveFabricStore: This fashion student 3D printed her entire grad collection. Next level. http://t.co/75v8KSZlBk
RT @webdirections: Weds night, 12.8 we’re running a women’s CFP brainstorming & feedback night with @ggdSydney & @WWCSyd https://t.co/mqF3j…
Fairy Bread – just what you want to see on the morning after a late night! Thanks @canvavi… http://t.co/ucWsNOdsBp http://t.co/3HfftRJTDd
RT @BRW: 4 million users, now for revenue as Canva launches first subscription product http://t.co/Pc8ZS4f6Uc
@lisaaharrison1 Are you going to @WiredForWonder? I’ll be there!
@chrisgander Awesome! So glad you’re enjoying it. 🙂
@gilmae I watched the morning and Rodd overheard just the audio. “Is that Erlich?” he said. Yep.
@gilmae Haven’t seen Silicon Valley? https://t.co/Wjb19Xad3z
@catehstn @chiuki Awesome! Will do 🙂
@gilmae I thought the first episode was pants. Then I gave it some time and it grew on me. I liked it by the end.
RT @zachkitschke: The secret to this woman’s success was not having any experience. @MelanieCanva sharing the @canva story @MailOnline http…
@gilmae See, that one I couldn’t get past the second episode. I should go back to it?
@HannahGilburt Hi Hannah! The @canva team are investigating. Can you DM me your email address so they can check the logs? Thanks!