Shared today on Twitter

Whoa. That’s pretty huge.

@DDsD @stufromoz I actually like it. Helps that I am married to a very Sheldon-like person.

RT @glasnt: “‘Why don’t we have boys only camps?’
Because most camps already are.” – @aimee_maree #devworld

RT @parisba: “If we don’t see people who look like us, doing the jobs that we want to do, then we think we can’t do those jobs.” –@aimee_ma…

@drkknits Damn. But that is a hell of a sign from the universe, isn’t it?! (Are you planning to drive in the US?)

@msharp @darthted He’s quick to spot an opportunity, that one! 😀

Really excited for @SydneyGA’s “Out of the Garage” event tonight! (at @Fishburners in Ultimo, NSW)

RT @SandiSieger: On the @SydneyGA #OutOfTheGarage panel with @nxdnz from @realestate_au, @web_goddess from @canva + more. #OnyaMag http://t…

Talking about knitting and rock bands with @nxdnz at @SydneyGA’s #outofthegarage. Sometimes my life is unexpected! 🙂

RT @OnyaMag: Full house for @SydneyGA’s #OutOfTheGarage pitch fest party. #OnyaMag

@drkknits I’d hit it.

So many amazing pitches tonight at #outofthegarage! It was INCREDIBLY difficult to judge. You were all inspiring! @SydneyGA @realestate_au

Here’s @nxdnz awarding the final prize of the night! #outofthegarage

We got Feliway yesterday, and I don’t want to jinx anything, but it’s already been LIFE CHANGING.

@brittanieshey @Kymberlie @bluishorange Yeah, one whole column of Tweetdeck!

J.K. Rowling sorts James Sirius Potter and Teddy Lupin into Hogwarts houses GRYFFINDOR 4 LYFE