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Hermione strikes again! “So I noticed from your stand-up today that you like work.” – @TheRealBnut to me, just now.

Who else is going to @webdirections #wdyk tonight?

RT @canva: Love Canva? We’re giving away 5 free 1 yr subscriptions to Canva for Work! Entries now open:…

RT @GasconHazel: Get a sneak peek inside Canva’s Manila office and meet the awesome personalities that make up the team!…

@slace @mobywhale I’ll see you there shortly!

“Can I get a cheer for Google Wave?” Something I never thought I’d hear at #wdyk…

@kosamari Cool! I’m a longtime knitter but only recently playing with Arduino. Thought it could be fun. 🙂

@kosamari I’ve used it as sewing thread, not yet knitted with it!

Photos of people wearing VR headsets are not selling me on the coolness of the future. #wdyk

VR as Empathy Machine? Bring on Mercerism! #wdyk

Great talk from @mitchelmore_j! Made me want to play with Firebase. #wdyk

@juliaclavien You did a fantastic job!

RT @themaninblue: Glad to see that @Canva’s design is inspiring the next generation of up-and-coming tech companies. #googledocs http://t.c…

Every Google Reader mention is still a punch in the guts. At least MeFi understands.

@tobyhede Stop trying to make dinosaur erotica happen, Toby.

@DamonOehlman Just found that post you mentioned. Hadn’t seen it yet…

Giant Dinosaur Sculptures Made of Recycled Rice Straw Pop Up in Japan COOOOOL!

RT @bigyahu: How to win a startup pitch competition

Apple’s AirPort Extreme vs Google’s OnHub: two powerhouse routers, separated by software

Finally en route to #AWShineHack! Hope I don’t miss any of the pitches. @stephenlead