Knitting Update

Knitting Update
Thanks to the extra wool my Mom sent out from the States, my Janetta Dexter Sampler Sweater is coming along nicely. Today I managed to finish the body completely and add the collar. Here I am modelling it so far. (I had to actually add in a few more designs than the original pattern called for, because mine was knitting up so short. I’ll probably have to do that on the sleeves too.)

Front of Sampler Sweater     Back of Sampler Sweater     Me and Amy Jones

Note: You might notice a slight reddish tinge to my hair in that middle photo. That is not a mistake. I had my hair done yesterday and I specifically told my hairdresser to make me look like a rockstar. I’m still all blonde on the top and sides but he cut in big chunks of bright red throughout the back. It looks super cool. You won’t see it until I master the art of blow-drying though. Yes, I’m truly, truly, truly outrageous!

Another note: You might also notice that I look like a fat cow in these photos. You wouldn’t be wrong there. That’s what three weeks of no gym and too many fried-foods-on-a-stick will do to you! But I’m happy to report that I’m back on my fitness regimen and I actually went for a run OUTSIDE this afternoon. I’ve only got two months til the Nike Women’s Classic so I better get training!


One response to “Knitting Update”

  1. hmm, no fat cow in those photos that i saw. but one very contented kitty…