RT @madelgiles: Saturday w/ a gold medalist,digital star, a Guinness World record holder & amazing intrapreneurs #TDCCareerSummit http://t.…
Slides from my recent talk at #TDCCareerSummit. (They won’t mean much without text though!) http://t.co/EeAieZDYvi http://t.co/MGgk9bZrUH
@NicoleWill100 Organisation set up by @sarah_liu to promote leadership in young professional women. Very cool! http://t.co/GW3CtD4gT8
*raises hand* Stu Redman always and forever, amen @imdominating. https://t.co/GB3JwAnK6Z
Going to start taking melatonin to see if it helps me sleep. Any advice, @toastman?
@toastman The symptoms are just difficulty getting to sleep. Sometimes it’s because of reflux; other times it’s just my brain won’t stop.
RT @glittertrash: Friend: “You know, that movie, Fancy Ladies On Creepy Mountain or whatever”
Me: “Picnic At Hanging Rock?”
Friend: “That’s…
@toastman I’ve had two endoscopies. I actually kind of liked them. http://t.co/TMQKetp1t2
Just received ANOTHER @DendySydney email! After 2 unsub attempts, giving them my name, memb #, suburb, postcode, etc. This is RIDICULOUS.
Women Who Code Sydney workshop on d3.js kicking off at @canva! #wwcsyd http://t.co/cUtasaYVNz http://t.co/DsnnFcRVwp
Get excited – @Frocktober is coming! http://t.co/C5vU651p8Z My fundraising page is here: https://t.co/bsC4guObef http://t.co/REf4ojHSF5
RT @michelleduval: Great interview @InvestibleAsia with @melaniecanva Founder @canva – the begining http://t.co/VkMu2dTAOe #startups http:/…