@sarah_liu Just realised I’ll have to update my slides to show some of the more recent Canva media pieces! 🙂
@gilmae That sucks. Arrogance is just confidence. I think it’s pretty gendered too. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a woman called that.
The Disturbing Reason This 20-Year-Old Calculator Is Still on Every Student’s Desk http://t.co/7NITWuLEIJ TI-85 4EVA http://t.co/cUuiJWg17k
@johnallsopp I learned to program on a TI-85. Loved that sucker.
@randomknits @gilmae Ah, yeah. That’s probably the female equivalent.
I’m going to “Girl Geek Sydney Meetup – October 2015”. Excited to hear @conniecodes’s talk! http://t.co/A2sITJEdF8
RT @rcsbaker: @Canva continues to rock! Proud investors here at @blackbirdvc https://t.co/xs65qNTxoR
@developerjack Agree. I got one from SydStart the other day too. http://t.co/uHZS1GL3xu
Apple Music: +1000. http://t.co/EbWy1OiL1e
Man with a camera. @canvavibe http://t.co/UuXC2md5uN http://t.co/5HS3mSJmn5
RT @poppiepack: Birthday ceremonies are still awkward 👸🏼 @canva #crowns #capes #canes http://t.co/jwrG9UFOTG
@drkknits Phrase I used most as a student in Germany: “Ein grossa pommes bitta.” (Large fries, please!)
@drkknits Whaaaa? MAYO = THE BEST
@drkknits And now I’m nostalgic for German breakfasts. Rye bread with Nutella and a pile of cold cuts on the side? YES PLEASE.
@gilmae Awwww, she loves her Papa!
@msharp @poppiepack @canva As always. 🙂
@gilmae Does she ever roll over and show you her belleh? THAT’S LOVE.
@gilmae In my house, love = not eating someone’s face while they’re asleep. Clearly you have higher standards. 🙂
@gilmae Yes, @unlikelylibrary and I were giving @randomknits advice on the weekend. It’s a thing that looks a lot more fun than it is.
@gilmae You’ll see when you’re up to your elbow in pumpkin guts.
#frocktober day 7: rocking a crazy pink Op Shop classic! (Cameo by Maya, the @canva office… http://t.co/1VsIuUfDe8 http://t.co/aTxaSdhsz3
@YaniHornilla Haha, thanks. The colours are so awful, but I still love it!
Any of my sewing friends have the Colette Rooibos pattern? Thinking it might be suitable for a fabric I have!
RT @AnnaTarkov: IGN guy wonders why no women applied for a freelance opening. Someone helpfully explains. http://t.co/MRyNquhPtq
If you’re curious, I counted and I have 20 #frocktober dresses left that I like, plus a few more I like less.
Yes, that’s a lot of dresses.
@worldtableco I was making a joke about YOUR Twitter spam.
ARGH. Woke up and groggily spotted a notification on my lock screen as I grabbed my phone. And now I can’t find it ANYWHERE. What was it?!
@randomknits YES!!! Love it. 🙂
@willbonds Yeah, I think I’ve got too much muscle memory built up. Wouldn’t be a problem if Notification Center had them all. GAHHH.