Shared today on Twitter

RT @sarah_liu: How are people going to know what you’re doing if you don’t tell them? Be bold. #TDCCareerSummit #WomenFastForward #Leadinga…

@willdayble Recently spotted in the wild: solopreneur, datapreneur, and seniorpreneur. PUKE! @rosepowell and I are collecting them.

@willdayble I’m sorry you weren’t able to stay! My talk is going to dovetail yours nicely. I use all the startup douche words. 🙂

@willdayble Yep. Shout outs to the Girl Geeks! @GGDSydney @GGDmelb #tdccareersummit

Thrilled that @sarahtmb was able to confirm there are, in fact, cricket stumps on the Dish at Parkes! #tdccareersummit

Spent 30s wondering what CSIRO learns from tipping airplane parts off cliff. Then realised IT’S A METAPHOR. DOH! @sarahtmb #tdccareersummit

Love @madelgiles getting back on public speaking horse! (She’s exaggerating; it wasn’t that bad.) #tdccareersummit

Mike Rolls is an amazing storyteller. The room is spellbound. #tdccareersummit

The secret weapon in my speaker’s arsenal: T. Swift’s fave red lippie. I’m up next! #tdcca…

Panel selfie! #tdccareersummit

@sarahfortuna Thank you!! So much fun feeding off the energy in the room. 🙂

@livjrog Thanks for your tweets! Well deserved award. 🙂

@melbdarling Thanks for your tweets! 🙂

@leadingatwork Thanks for the tweet! 🙂

@katyruck Thanks for the tweet!

I haz a cheese baby.

#frocktober day 24: black/white dress from Myer.

RT @kelseyhightower: Everyone should consider submitting a conference talk, because there is only one you, and no one can tell your story b…