Discussing the difficulty of raising capital for Aussie entrepreneurs not in Silicon Valley. @ScobIeizer https://t.co/vVyI7U3Jxn
@gilmae Just normal glasses. I got the distinct impression he’s not super pro-Google right now.
The @canva K/Chrisses meeting @scobleizer today at @tyrofintechhub! @chrisdoble https://t.co/l2oMwHWmtW https://t.co/FbC9KDNeog
@NicoleWill100 @Scobleizer ran us through his talk today – very cool! He’s met @MelanieCanva before and he’s a big @canva supporter.
@200ok @sydjs Too bad. @sydcss is gonna be way cooler. 😛
Absolutely loving @sprongify’s frock for tonight’s #ggdsyd! #frocktober @GGDSydney https://t.co/sflPBjdf4X
When you become aware of stereotype threat, it can actually affect your performance. I’m reminded of https://t.co/7sQw58ImYo. #ggdsyd
Note to self: remind interviewers at work to never comment on rarity of female engineers. #stereotypethreat #ggdsyd
Okay, let the record show I tweeted the xkcd reference before it appeared in the slides! #ggdsyd https://t.co/LGzeUX89yt
Bookmarking for the next time someone asks me why there aren’t more women in tech. #stereotypethreat #ggdsyd https://t.co/YJ4xifSCYi
If you’re the only woman in the room taking a maths test, you don’t have to be reminded of the stereotype. #ggdsyd
How to welcome candidates from minority groups: less Star Trek, more plants. https://t.co/QhOCXYIMdJ #ggdsyd #WomeninTech
How to counter #stereotypethreat. Will be discussing with our People Lead tomorrow. #ggdsyd https://t.co/JlFiOJaweZ
@emmasee100 Because it reinforces the stereotype & can lead to worse performance. Even if they don’t believe the stereotype.
More ways to counter #stereotypethreat. #ggdsyd https://t.co/y9WIGtuNy0
Last tip for countering #stereotypethreat: normalise the appearance of struggle. Everybody struggles. #ggdsyd https://t.co/SRexKfFgPE
Benevolent sexism is annoying, but it shouldn’t actually affect your performance. Small silver lining, I guess. #ggdsyd
Good grief, Google. You have set an extremely high bar for every #ggdsyd sponsor for the next year. https://t.co/kMv9du42F9
Bloody hell, Google. Eating a wedge of Brie the size of my head. Who needs crackers? #GGDS… https://t.co/9IGzEVS7uL https://t.co/PEEdvpxZVg
Stupid Twitter cut off my hashtag. #ggdsyd https://t.co/11RYNm52Gr
I’m not kidding. This is an impressive cheese plate. #ggdsyd https://t.co/T2lpKegh6n
Amusing myself with @kakacharlotte at #GGDSyd. https://t.co/ECkW59ddjw https://t.co/nsVe9ybod5
@monwulff I’ll race you to the leftovers as soon as Edwin’s done… #GGDSyd
Shameless plug: this is the 27th different frock I’ve worn in a row. Please donate to #frocktober! https://t.co/bsC4guObef #GGDSyd
This is brilliant. Great job @kaylajheffernan! https://t.co/YUuSjle22E
New life goal: become so rich I can pay @kakaCharlotte to follow me around taking photos. (Stay tuned for today’s Frocktober pic.)
#frocktober day 27: @sportscraft dress and boots at @google_aus! #GGDSyd https://t.co/c07C6lrDtf https://t.co/gN9wjrvGkz
@kaylajheffernan I actually did wonder! Very cool. 🙂
RT @redambition: Note to self: don’t visit Priceline after a bad day at work.
RT @kosamari: Inspired by many recent conversations, I made a site to compile 💰📊 of speaking at conferences.
“Who Pays Speakers?”