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Meeting one of @canva’s biggest fans at #sydstart! Love @diybanners.

@paulangov Yay! See you soon.

Dammit. Spotted @servantofchaos in the #SydStart crowd but he eluded me!

Okay, energy is starting to wane. Finally caved and sat. Evangelising is hard work! @canva #SydStart

BRILLIANT @ATWNetworking! Be sure to duck down and get some @canva stickers and gift cards. Love you guys!

@monwulff @Fishburners @canva Hannah left me; I’m on my own! Delivery??

@snarkyboojum @canva Are you here? Ran into some of the AWS Sydney folks today! 🙂

@ATWNetworking @canva Fantastic! Our designer @poppiepack is doing a workshop tomorrow. You’ll have to check it out. #SydStart

@snarkyboojum God no. One day is enough. Voice is starting to go!

@ATWNetworking 10:50am for @poppiepack’s @canva workshop tomorrow! #SydStart

My relief has arrived in the form of Shaun, so I’m headed back to @canva HQ. Be sure to say hello to him! #Sydstart

@tysondrake Hey Tyson – just talking to Canva engineers about this. Is it still happening? We think we’ve fixed it, but please let us know.

RT @teamansarada: Passionate users = successful products @canva #wd15

@laurentrlin DM me your email address and I’ll add you to the group! 🙂

@CoreORM Hi Bruce – Thanks for the bug report! We’ve got a fix in place for that – should be in the next release. 🙂

@CoreORM Hahaha, I was literally just staring at your profile trying to figure out if it was you. Hello! Coincidentally enough, your name

@CoreORM came up earlier today. I was at our booth just down from Hipages, where I remembered that you worked! Small world indeed. 🙂

@tysondrake Brilliant. Thank you!!

#frocktober day 29: silk dress and a breakfast meetup with the lovely @judithvaleryf!

Put your makeup on so they’ll like you // Yup.

RT @powertofly: How To Write A Job Description That Attracts Women In Tech – our chat with @corgibytes #diversity #…

Every table at Noma sold out in under 3 minutes. Didn’t get one. 🙁