Shared today on Twitter

@nicwinton Hey, that’s that guy @drewsin I met! 🙂

@ozbluey Well, they actually gave me an additional 20% off women’s shoes inside. So who knows! 🙂

@keisanpablo I always get the Sunday night blues. 🙁

The very definition of a Good Sport. Happy Halloween!

@gilmae Nice!!

#frocktober day 31: self-made Laurel dress from @colettepatterns. I’M NOT DONE YET!

I defeated the twin needle hem problem. Solution: BALLPOINT twin needle and a walking foot. Victory.

#frocktober is OVAH! 31 days, 31 different dresses. Don’t forget to donate. Next year’s goal: 50% self-made frocks!

RT @RexGatling: The carpool to light flaming bags of poo on @espn office steps for canceling GRANTLAND leaves at midnight tonight

Melbourne-bound again! Bring on the wedding shenanigans. (@ Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport (SYD) – @sydneyairport)

Two @JetstarAirways flights in 7 days, and so far punctuality rate is 0%. And they just SMSed to say tomorrow’s is already delayed! #fml

Ha! Just realised it wasn’t an SMS. It was Google Now. Thanks, Google.