If anyone wants to learn to knit, just come to the marquee! @clinton_freeman is doing it. #CampJS https://t.co/qCmt0mhRgf
Knitted a tension swatch for @4colorcowboy’s sweater and realised it’s a perfect coffee co… https://t.co/iNeRx9f56z https://t.co/epO4zrj6LO
Fantastic talk from Kay @Idealaw and great discussion about legal issues developers face. #CampJS https://t.co/Yc33JAvyLk
@glasnt I get a lot from @ColettePatterns. Theirs are fantastic for beginners – really thorough instructions.
RT @Adritek: Knitting at #campjs – best hack or awesomest hack? Discuss.
“I actually came to #campjs to learn React Native, but I CAN’T STOP KNITTING.” @proxyblue https://t.co/ZzWKdaztPh
@nicwinton @proxyblue He specifically told me to tweet that for you. 🙂
RT @OphelieLechat: Well, knitting just took over #campjs. Sorrynotsorry
If anyone missed my knitting talk, my Ignite Sydney talk from last March covered a lot of it! #Campjs https://t.co/IIE3FqrjOG
People at #Campjs demos last night were actually knitting! Knitter Life Goal Achieved. https://t.co/O2MMK0cqcl
Electro-selfie to end #campjs. I had a fantastic time, and I met some amazingly smart and … https://t.co/bdFq1s7yIA https://t.co/r7efp0Q9R0