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@themaninblue Reading that made me even more grateful it was my Mom who brought home a computer in the mid 80’s.

@themaninblue Her CV has more tech cred than mine – 8 years as sysadmin and 7 as web dev! ๐Ÿ˜€

“Sheโ€™s the fastest cookie in the galaxy.” Damn, I work with some cool people at @Canva.

Nice job @andykelk on @feelpodcast ep #7 – Women in technology

If you are interested in fostering kids, my sister and BIL have started a new blog about their foster journey in LA:

Many women in Stem expect to quit within 5 years No shit. Heard yest of 4th woman sacked returning from mat leave ๐Ÿ™

@TheRealBnut Because in order to get your leaving payout, you have to sign a waiver with a non-disparagement clause.

@TheRealBnut And a woman just returning from mat leave is usually in no state to launch a lawsuit. They know this. Complete assholes.

Excellent 1:1 tool for managers. Could’ve used this two years ago rather than blundering and making it up!

@mobywhale Yep. Disgraceful and evil.

@andykelk I was going to introduce you to @lisaaharrison1 of @techwomenaus but realised you probably know each other from Ignite! ๐Ÿ™‚