@catehstn Yeah. It was heavily focused towards high school girls applying for Anita Borg. I may have been the only non-school person there.
@imdominating @Lackadazy Well, your subconscious has prompted me to follow @bsmog, because apparently we must have a lot in common. 🙂
@Lackadazy @bsmog I’ve been telling @imdominating to get her ass on a plane for years. I’ve got a guest room.
Testing the Snook’s new Raspberry Wheat Beer. IT’S PINK!! https://t.co/i36JJimmGF https://t.co/dZ7eP3Hsya
@liedra I’ve heard that one before!
@kattjera Delicious! Needs a bit more carbonation.
@mslanei Very pretty! I love Specsavers.
I just rode Cedar Point’s latest roller coaster via BB-8 Google Cardboard. Sooo tomorrow. … https://t.co/U0jH5FoiH0 https://t.co/FThATMEXJ5
@johnallsopp I was using it for a while to Send to Pocket & tweet at the same time, then a cron job would pick up the Pocket links for blog
@johnallsopp Not because I used Pocket itself, but it has a nice API for getting stuff back out. Made it a good middleman.