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@lemon_lime Did you not learn from my example? Management is a fool’s game. FOOL’S GAME, I TELL YOU. #fledinterror

My sock drawer definitely sparks joy now. (Above: before. Below: after.) #konmari

For those saying it’ll never stay that way, here’s my t-shirt drawer 6 weeks on. 😜 @randomknits @Sam_McCosh

@stibbons There used to be a lot more. But it didn’t spark joy, so it went to the Op Shop. 🙂

@Sam_McCosh I’ve been surprised. But so far it’s working well for me! Socks might be a step too far. We’ll see.

@gilmae Well, the ones on the right are all knitted. And the ones on the left are actually tights.

@pyko The harder it is to decide, the less it matters. Pick either one. 🙂