@gilmae WHAT IS IT? I want it.
Blue cheese and silverbeet risotto. Lovely dinner with some of my wonderful fellow women i… https://t.co/xpUfjzvDQH https://t.co/3GOv7hnduf
So good. https://t.co/qd5E3BTQSF
@JennaPrice @virtualwolf My hair is fluttering in the icy breeze… https://t.co/AiSWPsVwIh
@JennaPrice @virtualwolf My only regret is we didn’t get one with an app. I have to use a remote control to make it colder.
@sazzajay Ugh, the worst. Here’s to a better weekend.
It’s always fun visiting the Snook’s office. https://t.co/hPWrP5Pui2 https://t.co/gOknWkfKpn
RT @ThePracticalDev: The disappointing reality https://t.co/ud2rULMhfm