Brightly coloured patterned fabric LOVE: Uniqlo’s Liberty collect ( and IKEA’s Giltig (
@chrisgander Don’t blame the baby – you worked a second job like 6 years ago way before you ever had kids! (I remember the water heaters.)
Totally available for celebrity endorsements. 😛 @OphelieLechat @getvero
@chrisgander I remember you churning out articles on random topics like water heaters for some content marketing spam house. 🙂
@randomknits Wow. Mine won’t go near vegetables. They only like Costco Whiskas food. They’re weirdoes.
@lemon_lime It’s kind of a rip-off of this one, which has been around for years!
RT @joeyellis: Got a handlebar clip for my phone. I feel like Batman. Like if Batman rode a bike and purchased a $30 phone clip on sale fro…
RT @RealGDT: @RealGDT It’s important for little girls to know not every story has to be a fucking love story.
@lemon_lime It’s a much thicker wool too, which is why the “resolution” isn’t as good. Probably faster to knit though.