Shared today on Twitter

@drkknits Unfortunately the World Tour isn’t hitting NYC. 🙁 He talked about that place last weekend. Aim to pay living wage to all staff!

Melbourne folks – you should go to this! I would if I were there.

RT @Aleissia: Supposedly I’m a “cool coder”. 😊 Lots of cool women on this list!

RT @BuzzFeedOz: me literally everyday

@BrigidWD @sallyrawsthorne @kelseybcooke Oh, phew. I wondered the same thing. 🙂

@pwcc @developerjack I’m gonna be there. 😀

Awww! I didn’t know @dp_lewis had a baby! Wee baby girl geek in the making! #sydcss

@KiahHickson Aww, you’re here! I’ll have to say hello. 🙂

RT @developerjack: #sydcss with the awesome @ijayessbe @web_goddess and @pwcc

Excited to meet @rilan tonight st #SydCSS. Yes, I too remember dancing babies and hit counters. #oldschool

Ah, memories. Slashdot is a website we all used to read back in the day, children. #sydcss

We prefer the term “Brains Trust.” @developerjack @pwcc

@diversionary @rilan I Chrome-casted “All Your Base” recently. #notproud

Wow. Cat-called by dudes on Pyrmont St who “have what I need.” Must be because I blow-dried my hair today. 💁

@gilmae Maybe!

@mobywhale I concur! @msharp was a great #sydcss emcee. 🙂

I hate booking flights. Waiting 8hrs to get my Perth flight from @VirginAustralia apparently cost me $150. 🙁

@Xavier_Ho No – I had an email from my travelling companion late last night with her details. I booked this morning. $150 difference. 🙁

Ugh. (Thanks @pbrdmn.)

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.