Shared today on Twitter

RT @soxyface: Can’t wait to see all the @GGDSydney ladies dazzle our brains at @sydjs tonight. Esp. @web_goddess @Charlie__Gerard and @dais…

@gilmae 45 minutes with zero interaction? I’d chalk that up to a SHIT AUDIENCE, really.

@FakeSamRitchie Haha, I saw that last night and whinged to @the_snook that no one was going to go to my talk at all!

RT @FakeSamRitchie: Looks like I’m going head to head with @web_goddess at #yowwest! <insert smack talk here>

Here’s @cathyblabla kicking things off with a talk about WebRTC! #sydjs #ggdsyd

Full house tonight for the Girl Geeks takeover of #sydjs! #ggdsyd

*high fives*

The amazing @jesslynnrose telling us all about @dfsoftwareinc Dream Factory and API automation. #sydjs #ggdsyd

RT @ijayessbe: @Charlie__Gerard and @daisysmells are showing us what creative coding can mean – with a lot of colourful language #SydJS

Cameos by @psychopyko, @mobywhale, @msgusset, Hannah and me in @cathyblabla’s WebRTC demo!…

Live coding demo from @daisysmells and @Charlie__Gerard! #sydjs #ggdsyd

@kosamari @gusseting @sydjs Haha, just subjected 100 devs to my knitting = code talk. I gave you a massive shout out! 🙂

RT @kouky: shipping betas 🚀🚀🚀

@KathyReid @developerjack YES! Small world. I love your work! 🙂

RT @delitescere: The #SydJS #ggdsyd mashup was one of the best meetups I’ve been to in a while. Yay!

@jesslynnrose @emfcamp Say. The. Word.

@coding_mama That can be arranged! (I sew too, but I’m more of a “follow the directions EXACTLY” sewist.)

@mobywhale Sadly, I won’t be at @campjsnews this year, so you’ll have to carry the knitting torch on my behalf! #sydJS

@coding_mama Well, we started a “women in tech stitch and bitch” if you want to join us and learn! We meet about once a month. 🙂

@coding_mama @mobywhale Oh, I SUCK at crochet. It turns my brain inside out. Knitting, I get. 🙂

@alletsaurus Yay! Thank you for coming. 🙂

@hal9zillion @sydjs I think I would enjoy learning to whittle. 😀

@kakaCharlotte Thank you Charlotte!! 🙂

@elegantpoem @kakaCharlotte They filmed it. I think it’s going up on YouTube tomorrow. 🙂

@jesslynnrose I forgot to mention that I’m actually going to be in London for a few days at the end of May! Can’t wait.

@jesslynnrose We lived there 15 years ago, so agenda is basically catching up with old friends! But I might be able to fit in caaaaaake… 🙂

@catehstn @jesslynnrose You’re the one that connected us in the first place, right? So in a way, all of tonight came from that!

@catehstn @jesslynnrose Past Cate brought us all together. 🙂

RT @FioraAeterna: oh my gosh this article is beautiful

DDD Sydney – non-profit community event run by devs for devs – 28 May in Sydney!

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.