@shanicegarcia Whaaaaa? And yet no one posted a photo of them in the #cats Slack channel!
@TheRealBnut We went with HBO Now.
Watching Silicon Valley S3E1. I’m up to three fist pumps so far.
@shanicegarcia Yes! You’ll have to join in there tomorrow. @metaeaux and @saberkite and @tinypang and all the other cat-lovers. 🙂
@cdeagle I’ve had “The have-nots are gonna win this – it’s hard to listen to you with a straight face” running in my head all morning.
@johnallsopp @mpesce Wait, what did I miss?
@johnallsopp @mpesce I’m immersed in this though, and I might have to jump out a window after reading. https://t.co/4T0eyWdvss
This is amazing. Someone is going to write the Microserfs of our generation, and I hope it’s Anna Weiner. https://t.co/4T0eyWv6R2