@rosepowell Should make tonight’s tech event with them fun. 😱
@NicoleWill100 @rosepowell https://t.co/cs15Oh0toZ
My heart rate just shot up 20bpm. EEEP! https://t.co/WT19RWl8fL
Wow, I know a lot of folks at #HelloWorld tonight! And if I don’t know you, please say hello at some point. https://t.co/xeOt9HdRvz
@mootpointer You planned that.
@frankarr I know YOU.
I thought bots were the new apps. #HelloWorld
@JM77 @developerjack You dorks. 😜
If I learn nothing else from tonight, I now know Guess the 90′s exists. #HelloWorld https://t.co/xIyVYk5TzR
For anyone who thinks I’m an early adopter, know that @tinypang always. gets. there. first. https://t.co/KvL28tXMop
She said Tweetdeck. Please don’t kill Tweetdeck. #HelloWorld
@busbub Boo. Boooooooo!
@busbub Shhh I’m still bitter they killed off RSS feeds for Twitter streams.
YOU JUST BLEW MY MIND. #HelloWorld https://t.co/h9SqLffuKq
@busbub GLARES. Young people these days…
Talking about “second screens.”
Flashbacks. #HelloWorld
@frankarr LOL. Sadly, I was thinking more like 18 months ago.
How tweets end up on #QandA. Now *this* is relevant to my interests. #HelloWorld https://t.co/CjHTN0ZskV
#onthatbandwagon https://t.co/tjwRj7kB6Y
RT @_patmurray: #QandA can get a tweet to screen in 5 seconds! #HelloWorld @TwitterDev https://t.co/YhpDTRtVUn
Social media comments overlaid on catch up TV. Built this in a hackathon 18 months ago. 😂 #HelloWorld https://t.co/bRUuO7vLpu
Ran into an old friend tonight! @Reidyd @metaeaux https://t.co/wjHsacfp1Z
@catehstn I see your point on all that, but mostly I was excited because @kunaal84 and I have worked together 4x and the streak must go on
@catehstn And hiring us as a pair makes it a lot simpler. 🙂
@catehstn A woman? And a brown dude? DIVERSITY BONUS. @kunaal84
Funnest part of tonight was definitely rage-messaging @daphnechong.
@techAU Nice to meet you tonight!
RT @codepo8: Another painful “hiring is broken” article. https://t.co/XkQ5Qghv1e
@Chris_Gammell @eevblog @TheAmpHour I did an updated version recently of my Knitting as Computer Code talk. 🙂 https://t.co/sBc7mU4lbL