Shared today on Twitter

@msharp @canvatech @canva Yes indeed. Just tweaking something! Sorry for that. ๐Ÿ™‚

@TheWonkaTonka @imdominating With a sharpie?! BADASS.

RT @idealogmag: This:

Lazyweb: anybody know how I can download Safari 8 for Mac to test something?

@pbrdmn Only goes up to 5.1.1 ๐Ÿ™

@pbrdmn I tried using @saucelabs, but the VM was so slow I couldn’t even log in during the 10min free trial. *sigh*

@mattchardy That looked totally wrong to me. I had to double-check you still weren’t incorrect.

Ain’t no party like a Lookahead party!

Wait. Confused. Who–?

What the. Why is every uni student in the Inner West travelling in drunken mobs up Broadway right now?

@ericdot At one point, a guy came over to Rodd going โ€œSimon! Simon!!โ€ and was very disappointed to learn he was not, in fact, @diversionary.

@TheRealBnut ikr?!

@TheRealBnut LOL. Nah, @diversionary is actually 3-D!

What @msharp said. Thanks @LookaheadSearch, and many happy returns!

@whalec @diversionary I canโ€™t believe I never noticed the resemblance before tonight!

The question is – which one is the Evil twin? @diversionary @the_snook

@steven_noble See, Iโ€™ve been to the beach in Melbourne. And it did not live up to that song.

@rosepowell I’m interested that you read it as dying. I didn’t get that at all.

@saucelabs I got an email last night about slowness, but it’s still happening. I’m just trying to log into Canva to test on Safari 8.

@saucelabs And I’m now 7 minutes in still waiting for the form to submit. ๐Ÿ™