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@teknetia That’s Indiana, where I’m from. Can you guess what high school sex ed was like? Ugh.

@teknetia Our school actually had a nursery so that teenage mothers could still go to class and graduate.

@SydneyAirport @tinypang I feel bad for the poor man who sat in my otherwise empty row of 4 seats on the plane. Nearly took his head off.

@RMcKergow That’s fantastic! You can tell him to drop me a line – kris AT 🙂

@mokagio @daphnechong @fakesamritchie I’m feeling surprisingly good. This probably means I’ll fall apart in a couple hours.

@tcn33 I nearly killed the poor guy who sat in my row, thus ruining my chances for a 4-seat lie down.

@lemon_lime @evanderkoogh I’ll send you the link to the video when it comes out, then you can see for yourself. 🙂