Shared today on Twitter

RT @laceynwilliams: Saw this in my FB feed and thought it was really sweet and would apply to lots of communities. Be nice to newcomers. ht…

@randomknits In case @gilmae failed to pass on message, I plan to hit Liberty next week in London. Want anything? (You too @drwitty_knitter)

@drwitty_knitter @randomknits Huh. I am comparing prices, and it appears that fabric costs the same there as here. What the hell?

@drwitty_knitter @randomknits Hadn’t planned on Loop TBH. I’ve got plenty of wool at home, and it takes up so much room in the suitcase!

Thanks @DamonOehlman for suggesting I change my Slack name to “mshoward”. It’s giving me SUCH JOY. 😂 @metaeaux

@thisismywww Haha, it’s been the next big thing for a while now!

@gilmae @thisismywww Our neural communications headbands haven’t arrived yet.

@mattchardy HA! At least he didn’t direct you to the creche. 😛

I look like the craziest cat lady ever. 😹

RT @SlackHQ: How do you grow company culture without chaos? Here are some lessons from @DisneyPixar, @stripe and @planetlabs.…

Yay @catehstn! Bookmarking to watch later and share with my colleagues. 🙂

RT @canva: Canva is now available in seven languages. In case it’s useful for other startups, here’s what we learned:…