Realised I missed my one-year Canva-versary two weeks ago! Celebrating by wearing one of o…
@chrisgander Bah. That whole lawsuit was a massive win for Amazon. They have an ebook monopoly now. They’re not any better.
@chrisgander I have a Kindle too, and I like it. But their little war with Hachette shows how they can abuse a monopoly.
@Darlinedppr No. And I’m blocking you, spammer.
@LeenaVanD I did not know that. Huh!
Rodd: Why are you dressed as Han Solo?
Me: Sorority girl. As a joke to amuse @i386.
Rodd: Ah… You forgot your Pumpkin Spice Latté.
RT @TUSK81: John Lewis getting pulled off a stool during a sit-in in the 60s. And John Lewis today.