@johnallsopp What’s really fun is that a lot of time when it crashes, you have to sign in again. Including 2FA if you use it. *sigh*
@johnallsopp It’s extremely buggy. During the week, server crashed during rush hour and lunch. Imagine lots of folks on it right now.
RT @RoaldDahlFans: BBC Radio 4 is airing lots of Dahl-related programs. You can even listen online! https://t.co/aW3Z7iwd7g (Thanks @TheVoi…
@asmallorange I’ve had a support ticket open for 5 days. Not urgent, but just need an answer! NEW-638-77276
RT @saladinahmed: you haven’t experienced the 21st century until a shirtless guy smoking an e-cig slurs WHERE DID YOU GUYS FIND SQUIRTLE? a…