Just standing at the bus stop, practicing my @TEDxMelbourne and @PubConf speech out loud like a maniac…
RT @timkaine: We all have to decide whether to be right or do right. If you want to do right, be an optimist. https://t.co/ZheNrKxuFu
RT @DamonOehlman: I’ve just released an additional 5 tickets for @NodeBotsAU day in Sydney this Saturday: https://t.co/pOueBMfIp0 🔥🔥🔥
Always amused when growth hackers email me via my blog asking me to review their Canva competitor. Uh, DO BETTER RESEARCH SPAMMERS.
Me: “I think I might be depressed.”
@the_snook: “Uh oh! https://t.co/GgoTptLOqB”
My husband, folks.
RT @ShannonDowney: Worthy of a rapid stitch. @BarackObama #potus #DemsInPhilly https://t.co/rbGcpCRm9L
RT @teamansarada: #ndcsydney are running free youth coding workshops next Tuesday.