Shared today on Twitter

RT @NitrateDiva: Bette Davis knitting. Because you’ve got to keep your hands busy while figuring out how to rule the world.…

I’m going to order some of these. Shipping to Oz looks like a flat $7, so the more I order, the better. Who’s in?

RT @MinaMarkham: I built Hillary Clinton’s design system and wrote a thing about it.

@SydCSS Oh, thank goodness you tweeted. I put it in my calendar as 10PM rather than AM. Phew!

@troyhunt That post just gave me the kick up the arse I needed to enable Cloudflare SSL on my personal sites. Thanks. 🙂

@MichelePlayfair On a bag?

@randomknits Nah. Done!!

@KTunravels Her version is amazing.

@KTunravels Way less bombastic than Houston’s.