Shared today on Twitter

@200ok Are you going to re-run it at all? I’d love to do it, but that’s also WordCamp AND SheHacks weekend. 🙁

RT @yow_oz: We’re excited to have @qanderson7 speaking at our 1st #YOWData conf on keeping systems up to date

@200ok Good tip – thanks. Just did it. (Somehow managed to miss that form field when I looked at it!)

Going out to a special Old Coll’s dinner with a dapper businessman.

You guys I am basically about to eat dinner at Australian Hogwarts. (@ Wesley College)

Spotted a familiar name… (last on the list!)

@gilmae It kinda looked like that!

In the city for a tech event before 7am. BLEURGH.

@busbub “Disrupting the Disruptors” breakfast. Not even kidding.

“Disruptors” brekkie this morning. So many big companies struggling to foster culture of innovation. Startups like @canva have it easier!

TIL BaaS (Beer as a Service) is an actual real thing. @chrisdoble will be so pleased.