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Listening to @pwcc persuade us all that it’s easy to contribute to WordPress Core! #WCSyd

TIL the concept of Yoda conditions. Thanks @pwcc! #WCSyd

@catehstn I totally read that in the voice of Carrie from Sex and the City. πŸ˜‚

Hearing about great free resources from fellow Midwesterner @katslump! #WCSyd

Mid-morning break at #WCSyd? Time to sneak off for a visit to #SheHacks2016!

It’s all happening at #SheHacks2016 today! Thanks @yow_oz for the snacks!

RT @darthted: Proud to sponsor #SheHacks2016 @findercomau.

As usual, I appear to be the only person knitting at the tech conference. #WCSyd

@kristarella I’m giving a lightning talk tomorrow on knitting as computer code! I hope you can make it. πŸ™‚ #WCSyd

Chuckling along with the very engaging Sharon France as she relates her WordPress journey! #WCSyd

If you’re old enough to remember the Web in the 90’s, you’ll enjoy my #WCSyd talk @ 2:05 in Rm 1. (Youths: come if you like horror stories!)

RT @GGDSydney: Thank you to our awesome mentors this weekend…here we are helping with some rails code! #SheHacks2016…

RT @DarrenNolan_: Not a horror story. Really awesome. Go see it.

@keepsmilyn @wordcampsyd A lot of them are down the road at #SheHacks2016 – just bad luck that the events overlapped. πŸ™

Room 1 is totally where it’s at! #WCSyd @developerjack

Slides and links for my #WCSyd talk are here!

RT @developerjack: Love @web_goddess’s talk about her 20 year old website! #WCSyd 1488 pages manually migrated to #WordPress!!! https://t.c…

All thanks to a suggestion by the ever helpful @johnallsopp. πŸ™‚ #WCSyd

RT @tallandtrue: Thanks Kris @web_goddess Howard for delightful tale of 20 yo @RoaldDahlFans website! πŸ™‚ #WPSyd

@fu001123 That’s… not what it is. It’s just a hackathon.

@lisaaharrison1 Just from the Apple Store! It’s a few years old though. Label says “uncommon”.

Heh. @developerjack is a very animated speaker. #WCSyd

@FakeSamRitchie YES! I’m extra dorky because I’m actually giving a talk about knitting at a tech conference. πŸ˜‚

@FakeSamRitchie I literally do have a multi-threading pun. 😬

How have I never visited Floyds Knobs, Indiana? πŸ˜‚

RT @GGDSydney: Thank you to the wonderful Maria who has spent millions of hours coordinating the lead up to #SheHacks2016 ! You did an amaz…

@LizlingC @GGDSydney @heatherbaden @katrinamarielee OHMYGOD YOU GUYS WON? YAYYYYYY!!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

@TarynMusgrave Oh wow. I can definitely relate. πŸ™

@randomknits πŸ˜‚

@darthted Awwww! What a nice thing to see first thing in the morning. 😍

RT @rcarmo: Simply hilarious – bike manufacturer sees huge reduction in delivery damage by printing TV on the box