Shared today on Twitter

@TheDesignWeb My lightning talk this arvo is about knitting. πŸ™‚

My overseas absentee ballot arrived today!

@slace I’m funemployed for another week. πŸ˜€

@aquintex @GovGaryJohnson Sorry. #ImWithHer

RT @tallandtrue: Kris @web_goddess Howard explains how Granny Was a #Knitting Hacker at #WordsPress #WordCamp #Sydney πŸ™‚ #WCSSyd https://t.…

@cameronjonesweb Thank you!!

RT @thewebprincess: . @web_goddess just schooled us on knitting code and how to do a lightning talk. Outstanding!! #WCSyd

@Brook_McCarthy @thewebprincess Thank you! I’m normally not that nervous when presenting. Took me a while to settle into it. πŸ˜‚

For more of my wacky knitting + computer ideas, I’ll be speaking at YOW Connected and all 3 YOW Confs. πŸ˜† #WCSyd

Holy crap. William Gibson retweeted me today. 😳

And there’s @developerjack showing his lightning talk karaoke skillz. #WCSyd

Ha! @canva makes an unexpected cameo in the #WCSyd lightning talk karaoke. πŸ˜‚

@fbz I’m glad you liked that tweet, because I mention KnitYak in the talk. πŸ˜€

@imdominating Disappointing? The tatt?

RT @yow_oz: Don’t miss Suz Hinton @noopkat from Kickstarter on Sept 29 SYDNEY #YOWNight exclusive

Am I Introverted, or Just Rude? *cough*

RT @KatieConf: Announcing WOOTCONF 2017: a one-day conf celebrating Women of Open Technology

This time, it’s really happening. ✨


@glasnt GAHH. I want to submit a talk for WOOTCONF, but I suspect knitting – even super geeky knitting – won’t go down well as topic. πŸ™