Shared today on Twitter

@AshleaMcKay Wasn’t sure if you meant the hair or the lippie, but they both look FAB!

This is silly. I knit and sew, and it’s far more expensive to knit and sew than it is to buy.

I mean, “how to make a simple T-shirt” – are they joking? Do you know what an overlocker costs? Decent jersey fabric? Ridiculous.

@mmastertheone @Gin_ev_ra Exactly! I mean, I’m a fan of mending, sure. But it’s ridiculous to chastise the young for not sewing t-shirts.


Okay, I think I’ve read all the internet. Time for chores. #funemployment

@mark_sabbatical Repairs, definitely. The world needs Maintainers! πŸ˜‰

@gilmae Exactly! I think self-sufficiency and maintenance are important, but this is the 21st century. Let’s be realistic.

@MaxAntonovAU @andykelk Just passed that on to @sezshares – you’d be lucky to get her! πŸ™‚

@jesstelford @ijayessbe @yow_oz has offered childminding the last few years!

@yow_oz @jesstelford @ijayessbe Whoops- didn’t realise it was so new!

@tareiking Oh, thank you! Between your response and @glasnt’s, I decided to submit. πŸ™‚

YAYYY @mssharonfrance is on Twitter! πŸ˜€

@mssharonfrance And you’re already liking, and replying… You got this. πŸ™‚

RT @glasnt_ebooks: We can all go home now! Knitting is totally open technology!

@glasnt_ebooks @glasnt So freaking great.

RT @themaninblue: If you’re interested in the Sydney Startup scene, you should check out the Spark Festival:

RT @RHoKSydney: Temperatures are rising and RHoK Sydney is out of hibernation! Team forming 9 Nov, Hackathon 26-27 Nov! RSVP at https://t.c…

@darkhorse166 @lucykbain Yes, a few! Check out and

@darkhorse166 @lucykbain I know because I use and it imports from sites that use those (which are most!).

For #funemployment day two, I’m eating cream puffs for breakfast. Thanks @pyko and @meganwcook!

@darkhorse166 It’s pretty good. I use bookmarklet to scrape interesting recipes on my desktop, then sync to iPad in the kitchen!