Shared today on Twitter

@GaelFC I have a guest room! 😀

My @yow_oz Connected talk is sitting at 107 slides, including many examples of an invented knitting-flavoured version of Javascript. 😂

@i386 @brendanh Fictional companies. 🙂

@i386 @brendanh Post-cheese was Aussie slang. The Manilans loved it. 🙂

@noopkat @yow_oz Well, a lot of them are duplicates – just with particular text bolded, etc. The timing seems pretty good!

Headed to Google Family Birthday Picnic. Spot the Yank. 😂

Young Henry’s Beer Tasting. Not a bad way to start a Spring afternoon. #googlebday

Mid-life crisis. #necktatt #sodreamy

Slightly disappointed I told @twalve I’d go to @sydjs. They have face painters here!!

Wow. First time they’ve endorsed a Democrat in 120+ years.

Aaaand another HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @knitterjp to end the day. Thank you for everything you do to support women in our community!

@jontv Oh cool! Thanks for the update. 🙂

@mrembach @knitterjp Both, of course! 😀

Melbourne folks – I’ll be in your fair city next week from Monday to Thursday. Anybody free to catch up? Any good meetups happening?

RT @guardianstage: ‘I came to see it all as a love story’ @David_Suchet on starring in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? @AlmeidaTheatre http…

@lucykbain @daphnechong @emsiow LOVE IT. I think I’m going to put that DVD on RIGHT NOW. 😀

@lucykbain @daphnechong @emsiow Anyone up for a game of Marrying Mr. Darcy in the next few days?