Amazing office. My new boss Dave is presenting on Value-Driven Development. (@ ANZ Centre in Docklands, VIC)
OH on the tram: “So what’s American? Besides guns and the KKK.” “Racism?” “Everything in tubs.” #cringing
#frocktober day 4: Did you guys know @seekau have a SLIDE in their office? (Yeah, I did it…
RT @stripe: Stripe is now available for all businesses in Japan:
@The_McJones Well done! I’m still writing my conclusion. But I’m not on til end of the day Thursday. 😀
Well, the “knitting as computation” talk OBVIOUSLY. 😂 #yowconnected
@mokagio OOH, what’s @nsbreakfast? I could go to that!
@nsbreakfast Oh, awesome! I will definitely be there. Thanks for the heads up, @mokagio. 🙂
@chrisgander @mlle_elle Huh. For the record, I’ve never heard that term either!!
If you’ve *really* left it until the last minute, you can still use this to get a discounted #yowconnected ticket!
@noopkat What’s wrong?? You okay? (I’m at the Jasper if I can hep.)
@The_McJones How many slides do you have? (If it’s not in three digits, I win that one.)
@noopkat Ah, okay. Just checking. 😀 See you at speaker get together tonight?
Unexpected Mi9 reunion!
@mokagio @nsbreakfast So I stayed up until midnight rewriting my YOW talk… and brekkie at 7:30 is looking doubtful. May need a raincheck.
@mokagio @nsbreakfast Next time I’m here – hopefully next month – I’ll be there. Count on it!
This ☕️ is giving me life. THANK YOU! #yowconnected
If idea is new, need to attract non-users. If an improvement, you’re competing against incumbents. Disruption is the latter! #yowconnected
Wow, @asymco officially gives the most in-depth, fascinating, off-the-cuff post-talk Q&A answers ever. #speakerenvy #yowconnected
@mokagio @FakeSamRitchie So tempted to tweet a sneaky photo of the two of you.
@The_McJones I wondered the same thing!?