@themaninblue https://t.co/fLTZQ5DKTf
@Jonwestenberg @yow_oz Thanks! Yep, as of one week ago. 🙂
RT @HillaryClinton: Remember. #Debate https://t.co/rlMbTt5WwY
@sebeckmas @willdayble @ElaineStead @cazzmelbourne @bigyahu Would love to see you at next Equality Hacks! https://t.co/4KznhxdVsb
#frocktober day 10: Hazel sundress from @colettepatterns, made by me! https://t.co/enRhW4UQju https://t.co/KKoQe5Cyq8
RT @JustinWolfers: Warren Buffett responds to Trump’s claims about his taxes: https://t.co/qD55faQgZR
It’s #adalovelace day, so instead of bemoaning Trump, I’m going to celebrate some amazing women in tech today. https://t.co/CGFMh7lUNZ
Indeed! Anna Patterson just won the ABIE award for Tech Leadership too. I wonder if she ever gets out to Oz?! https://t.co/5XcRFhX3oW https://t.co/NaV9t8lSEJ
Everyone who gives tech talks should get Technically Speaking. https://t.co/Gwor94i7Lo @catehstn and @chiuki are brilliant. #AdaLovelaceDay
@Malarkey Ooh, yay, you’re here! Have you got a local number? Want to find out exactly what time you might have for workshops/talks.
“Technical? Non-Technical? Both!” https://t.co/q4nShIHhos by @andreagoulet – perfect for #AdaLovelaceDay and relevant to me personally!
@delitescere Don’t get me started on “Lore and Order” on TV. *shudder*
RT @johnallsopp: looking to take an idea further? This great workshop part of @sparkfestivalau might just the thing!
Worth a watch: @lucykbain keynote at Kiwi Pycon – what’s holding you back from connecting w/ others? https://t.co/nb3CiU2fL9 #AdaLovelaceDay
@BrigidWD Thanks for the reminder. I have to call them to tell them that they didn’t pick it up after I complained last week.
@BrigidWD Hm. The City of Sydney is “currently experiencing an interruption in services.” Straight to voice mail. Is there a strike on?!
RT @NodeGirlsSydney: Registration is opened https://t.co/JBC3dnzHwT https://t.co/CK6EPcgk0D
Aus tech MUGs – my “knitting as computer code” talk got 100% positive rating at #yowconnected. Happy to deliver it at any upcoming meetups!
Worth a read, and perfect for #AdaLovelaceDay! RT @200okpublic Another great AMA, with @rachelandrew this time: https://t.co/cLOwNsMAb2