@melissa_loh Oh yeah, I’ve made a couple of them! Even the elastic bit that I was worried about ended up being pretty easy.
@McKenzie_Ben Thanks! I made it for a Christmas party a few years back that had a “Glow” theme. 😀
@cocotutch Hi @mokagio! Long time no see. @melbournecocoa
RT @TheThomason: I hope they give the next Nobel to the Replacements so they can get drunk and throw it in a river.
RT @alicelizabrenn: “We need digitally savvy leaders and we need female leaders. Code is a feminist issue” – thank you @KathrynParsons
@boyter Congrats!
The @KnitGuildNSW are running a “Knit Like a Viking” class in January. I’m pretty excited about this. https://t.co/x1jOA5wvHd