Shared today on Twitter

Very excited to get to meet @unclebobmartin himself! Check out his workshop “Clean Code Using TDD” #yow16 @yow_oz

@stuy1974 Hey Stu! I saw your tweet but the link seems broken. I actually work for YOW, so I’m keen to get it fixed. Where’d you find it?

@sammy_lee12 Denied. πŸ™ What’d I do wrong?

RT @bigyahu: Sydney there is no #hackathon more worthwhile and heartwarming than #Techfugees 5-6 Nov. Register

RT @mobywhale: I’ll be speaking at @sydjs this Wed about getting over the fear of public speaking. Looking forward to giving my first talk…

@glasnt @hawkieowl Beware. It’s a time suck, and it’s more like computers than you think. πŸ™‚

@hawkieowl @glasnt Boo. Well, next time I’m in Melbs, I can teach you to knit so you’re prepared for such future situations.

RT @yow_oz: We have a couple of familiar faces joining us at #yow16. See who is coming in our speaker lineup

I believe I’m now signed up to every tech meetup group in Sydney. Sorry for the spam – I didn’t know it did that. πŸ™

@cathjones0 Ugh. Did you get spammed? Sorry. Yeah, pretty much. That’s my job now. πŸ˜‚

@hawkieowl @glasnt @freakboy3742 YES. This is all very relevant to my interests. πŸ˜€

#frocktober day 17: It was rainy and wet outside all day, so the Under the Sea Dress was a…

@lucykbain @developerjack @Meetup AHHHH, phew! Thanks for that. I guess then I’m doing them a favour by highlighting the issue. πŸ˜‚

@stuy1974 Thanks for that. Looks like the link is correct now. I’ll see if I can figure out why it changed!

I may not be enough of a morning person for breakfast networking events.

RT @yow_oz: Be a security superhero & learn a range of DIY security approaches to suit any app & ops environment with @lady_nerd https://t.…

Heh. @auxesis defending his “joke” Trump 2016 laptop sticker. πŸ˜‚

Note to self: check out the @DTO’s Operational Readiness Checklist of Awesomeness. (Or was it Amazingness @auxesis?)

@DevinDavis @DTO @cloudfoundry We should’ve had a hashtag! Hard to find others tweeting.

Clever. @DTO has Prod Eng team dedicated to platform and dev tools. @canva has something similar. Emerging best practice! #cloudfoundry

RT @BGallagher32: Fact: Hi performing orgs deploy 200X more frequently w/2555x shorter lead times, 3X fewer failures & recover 24x faster-S…

Keys to digital transformation success: ignite DevOps movement, elastic cloud Platform, multi-Cloud deployment. #cloudfoundry @BGallagher32

@CathyEdwards86 @auxesis 😳I find myself reevaluating all life choices that led to me NOT working at DTO. #puns4life

You know that thing where you hear a word a lot and it starts to lose all meaning? Cloud. Cloud. Clouuuudddd.

OH last night: “I remember when Operations just meant the guy who changed the tape drive backup every week.” #oldtimer

New metric: Using number of stickers on a dev’s laptop as measure of their level of passion and innovativeness. Heh. @drnic #CloudFoundry

Live code deploying demo pre-10:30am?! 😱 @drnic likes to live on the edge. #CloudFoundry

“The Fortune 500 companies of the future will have been created by developers.” @drnic #CloudFoundry