Shared today on Twitter

RT @cameronesposito: Since zero women & zero people of color weighed in on US constitution when it was written, I assume it may occasionall…

RT @tveastman: Hillary Clinton is wrong. Puppet is dead. Putin wants Trump to be Russia’s Ansible.

@_zouhir GOP = Republican, so there’s only one GOP nominee.

@aussielunix @auxesis Can one of you guys DM me? I’m gonna set up a discount code for DevOps folks to get YOW tickets. 😀

@lucykbain Thank you!!

Tonight’s meetup was in a videogame bar! Unfortunately some chick was on Mario Bros. 3 the…

#frocktober day 20: Super Spy Dress from @heartofhaute.

@evanderkoogh It’s called Spawn Point. Right next door to Redoak on Clarence, but in a basement.

RT @yow_oz: .@unclebobmartin will be running his Clean Code Using TDD workshop at #yow16 in Melbourne & Sydney

@evanderkoogh HA! That’s where we were supposed to be, but we got moved due to some other event on. *glares*

@pubtextiles Got any good remnants suitable for making a #frocktober frock??

@ADuckIsMyFiend Cake? I’m IN.

@ImaMiri11 Thanks Ima!!

@kosamari ✋

RT @RoaldDahlFans: Big news – a Wonka prequel movie is in the works! Check out the details and vote in our poll: ht…

Woke up to the dulcet sounds of cat barfing. Hello, Friday.

Local tech men: only one of you has RSVPed for Monday’s #EqualityHacks. Please come – we can’t do it without you.