Shared today on Twitter

@deepfresh Damn, jealous! Let me know if/when you’re in Sydney – would love to check it out. πŸ™‚

@randomknits Somehow I’d become numb to your relentless progress, but I was just like, WTF 71 DAYS OF MAKING QUILT BLOCKS THAT’S CRAAAZY.

This was a brilliant talk, and you can probably hear me guffawing through it from the front row.

Aussie women – got an idea for a startup? Don’t delay – #SheStarts applications close soon! CHANGE THE WORLD, LADIES.

It’s the Knitting + Computers talk, of course! (Seriously, programmers: learning to view your craft in a new way makes you better at it.)

RT @LukeSleeman: @web_goddess Talk at #YowConnected was awesome, hilarious and thought provoking. Definitely worth seeing!…

@mark_sabbatical That’s actually knitted!! 😜 Love that scene…

@mark_sabbatical Well, most of the other pictures on the blog are crochet – the granny squares. So I’ll still give half credit. πŸ™‚

#frocktober day 26: Myrtle dress from @colettepatterns, made by me!

Listening to @diversionary and @ericdot kick off the 2nd ever #designingproducts meetup!

Me: “Your hashtag is too long.”
@diversionary: “Post pictures, not words.”

Lauren Bedford from Expert 360 telling us that startups do, in fact, have tech debt! #designingproducts

@michaelneale @diversionary It’s like a beautiful comet, zooming past once in our brief lifetimes.

“This talk may be quite negative, but that’s just because I’m British.” @buzzusborne gets a chuckle at #designingproducts

Designers share same frustrations even in bigger startups: no team is perfect; never enough time or budget. #designingproducts @buzzusborne

“As a designer, it’s your job to make customers feel AWESOME.” – @buzzusborne #designingproducts

@auxesis Oh damn. Even more sympathy for the past week then…

@auxesis …assuming that it was personal experience driving the project!

Canva selfie! Just can’t escape these folks. 😁

@mark_sabbatical @WID_AUS Wow, nope! Too many great events happening to keep track of them all. πŸ˜‚

@jeremybrown @phillfarrugia Sadly, due to social media I am eminently stalkable.

Actually, this one’s crochet @mark_sabbatical πŸ˜‚

@phillfarrugia Sure, go for it!

Kicking off this morning’s XXinTech breakfast at the beautiful Gravity coworking space. #sparkfest @sparkfestivalau @kjr_au @SquizGlobal

Damn. She’s making me want to take up actual boxing. #sparkfest

“The things we work hard for – we should celebrate those victories.” YES. #sparkfest #WomeninTech

@drwitty_knitter I know. But there’s something that appeals at a primal level about going toe-to-toe with an opponent. The physicality.

@drwitty_knitter Maybe I’m just hormonal and irritated. πŸ˜‚

I literally just uttered the phrase “women in tech fight club” unironically. #WomeninTech #sparkfest

RT @LucindaBurtt: Back yourself, don’t change yourself. Good #personalbrand is a match between your and others perception of you, says @Lis…

@gilmae Heroes of Australian legend Halloween costumes? Been there, done that.

@gilmae *sigh* Me. I stand by that poster. It was really good. Way better than the actual movie.

@thisismywww @gilmae Andy? You lost me.