@gilmae @thisismywww *groan* Dad jokes.
@pwcc 😳
@gilmae Cross the Rubicon and never look back. You’ll be happier for it.
RT @BishoyDemian: Submitted my API-as-a-Product talk to @yow_oz #ctosummit . Fingers crossed!
@BishoyDemian Exciting! My fingers are crossed for you too. I’d like to hear that talk. 🙂
#frocktober day 27: retro dress, made by me! On location in @thethinkmill lift. 😂 https://t.co/xJtcem3dLf https://t.co/a6H2nztE1o
Wearing a circle skirt on a windy day may have been a mistake. 💨👗😳
HA! Just saw my meetup blog post featured in the @yow_oz newsletter. That’s fun. 😂 https://t.co/hyvIp1VWXv
Heh @developerjack is making @glasnt crack up before her talk. #sydphp https://t.co/ORaBqJdScG
Oh dear god. @glasnt just suggested getting the Party Parrot recognised as an official emoji. Somewhere @TheRealBnut is smiling. #sydphp
@transprogrammer @developerjack @glasnt @sydphp Well spotted!!
@miss_jwo @__debo @humanmadeltd Thanks – I know @pwcc well! Will possibly reach out tomorrow. 🙂
@TheRealBnut @desplesda @The_McJones so will it be Dr_The_McJones?
RT @SydTechLeaders: Only two more days to submit a talk proposal for YOW! CTO Summit. https://t.co/lhNpORR5yn
I bought one! #imwithher https://t.co/Ph7g28ipGT
@randomknits Nice! I was tempted but went the blue instead.
RT @TheFoodLab: I’ve been testing the @ChefSteps Joule for months. Here’s what I think of the world’s smallest sous vide circulator. https:…
How great is this? View Source is how I learned web development. // welcome.js https://t.co/hQoELmkweG https://t.co/VJbiRC7Tqj
GifCities – The GeoCities Animated Gif Search Engine. Worth it for this search alone… https://t.co/d0tfPDc5b0