Positive action: I’m proud to be in this video about great work @elevacao_org is doing with women entrepreneurs. https://t.co/VFxjZy61Xq
@gilmae Like what? Tell me what more this white American can do.
@gilmae (And I really hope it’s “punch the patriarchy in the face,” because that’s what I’m working towards.)
RT @delitescere: A few tickets left for the @yow_oz / @ctosummit in Sydney, also keynote by @rebeccaparsons! https://t.co/3ipRe86bDq
@ButtCoin Ugh. Of course.
Weekly Meetup Wrap – including Melb MPUG, Melb CTO School, @webdirections Direction conf, and Sydney Bots meetup! https://t.co/OfxP6AdlUZ
She had me in tears at the end. https://t.co/lUwW44u9Wg
Happy (early) Thanksgiving! https://t.co/npXw6vJbcq https://t.co/ttHASa4PFm
RT @msharp: This benevolent god approves 😉 //cc @web_goddess https://t.co/EarlLoAbB0
RT @51monfarrow: Code reuse. https://t.co/KEaoM6DQlw
RT @HuffPostArts: Yoko Ono issues rather appropriate response to Donald Trump’s election https://t.co/BeGvbrWywZ https://t.co/Ws04vQV5mO