Shared today on Twitter

RT @mgrowan: “Digital Technology is pervasive… Every business is a digtal business” @SatyaNadella #MicrosoftDev

Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps. Serverless platforms, @evanderkoogh! #MicrosoftDev

RT @ceibner: “Swagger is awesome – because self documenting api’s is awesome” @jakkaj #MicrosoftDev

VisualStudio has iPhone emulator built in for Xamarin devs “so you can put your Mac in the corner.” 😂 #MicrosoftDev

Chatbots are the new hotness. #sydneybots #MicrosoftDev

Hey, great showcase of the @9NewsAUS Alerts app! Great job, @ninedigital. 😁 #Microsoftdev @kunaal84

Developers Developers Developers. LOL. (@LiviuC_PhD is amused.) #MicrosoftDev

@servantofchaos I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. HOW DO YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF?!

RT @unixbigot: The government is running on github, Jenkins, CloudFoundry. Hallelujah! #whodathunkit #YowNight #BNE

RT @unixbigot: A great rapid fire presentation from @auxesis at #YowNight #BNE. So much info in that talk. #OpenGov efforts are paying of…

RT @boyter: Not successful enough to buy a full page newspaper ad, but welcome Microsoft! Code search is important! Try…

RT @davecoombes: Very proud to see @IAGAust sponsoring @yow_oz. Some tickets still available for SYD and BNE but selling fast so get in qui…

Last chance for Sydney #yownight tickets for tonight! Check the hashtag to see how much Melb & Brisbane enjoyed it.

@gilmae We will be recording it, btw. Or rather, @sir_tilbrook will be. 🙂

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.