Shared today on Twitter

Gahhhhh. If you want to hire more women into leadership, you can’t require that they’ve already done those roles. THE POOL WILL NEVER GROW.

@imdominating Ugh. Screw that shit. 😡

@thisismywww It is indeed! Must’ve been taken 2+ months ago then. 😀

@iRambuk @auxesis @yow_oz We’ll also be recording the talk tonight in Sydney – possibly even live streaming!

Congrats @canva on being named Australia’s Coolest Tech Company 2nd year in a row! (And heh. I’m in the photo.)

Great crowd for @auxesis’s #yownight at @canva in Sydney! @yow_oz

RT @emsiow: Best #yownight already!

The @DTO staffs their delivery hubs with the best private sector talent they can find. #yownight

I love that the very first item on @DTO’s Digital Service Standard is “Understand user needs.” #yownight

In government – or any large organisation – find the subject matter experts. You’ll make your life a lot easier. #yownight

If you insist on “big deal” assessments/gates between project stages, it’s not Agile. You’re doing waterfall by a different name. #yownight

RT @GRobilliard: Transforming government digitally with @auxesis #yownights

@Erdbeervogel @GGDmelb @SEEK_Geek @seekjobs @kaylajheffernan Wow, looks fantastic. Great job @annakelk and @hima_tk!

@developerjack Sadly, I know a lot of hiring managers who would thank him for that approach.

Found out that a good friend has been harassed by male online stalker for 3+ years. Blog comments, emails, phone calls. INCANDESCENT RAGE.

@lifeasdaddy Kinda hard to pursue though when they take pains to hide identity.

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.